Could Social Media Be to Blame for Poor Mental Health?

Hands up if you start your morning with a quick scroll through Instagram, and end your day by flicking through TikTok. Social media has become so deeply ingrained in our everyday lives that it’s almost impossible to remember what life was like before it. On the one hand, social media is a wonderful tool designed […]

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Can I Be Sacked for Being Off Sick With Depression?

Mental health conditions affect approximately 1 in 5 people, so the likelihood is that most businesses will have employees suffering from conditions like depression, even if they aren’t aware of it. As the narrative around mental health has opened up, gone are the days when the only illnesses that justified time off were those that […]

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What is Emotional Resilience and Can You Develop It?

How do you tend to react when things don’t go to plan? If your answer is‘cool, calm, and collected’ then congratulations, you probably have emotional resilience! For some people, emotional resilience is an innate trait present from birth that allows them to handle stressful situations when s**t hits the fan with clarity and strength. For […]

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How to Get Out of Bed in the Morning as a Night Owl

Before we get started let’s first clear something up. There is nothing wrong with being a night owl! Despite society often portraying early birds in a more positive light and the misconception that they are more productive than night owls, this isn’t actually correct. If you struggle with mornings and find you do your best […]

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How to Get Out of a Depressive Episode

Been feeling down and unmotivated for a while now? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Most people will experience a depressive episode or two in their lifetime, even if they don’t necessarily struggle with chronic depression. They can affect anyone, anywhere, although studies have suggested that more women than men tend to be affected. […]

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Weekly Goal Setting Tips to Help You Achieve Your Dreams

We’ve all been conditioned throughout our lives to dream big, that anything is possible if you try hard enough. We all have goals, whether they’re work-related, lifestyle-related, school-related, we all have them. So why is it that an alarmingly low number of people actually succeed at obtaining their goals? Studies show that only 8% of […]

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Understanding Types of Talking Therapy and How It Could Help

Therapists often have a whole litany of fancy and confusing words for how they treat their patients. ‘Blended’, ‘integrative’, or ‘eclectic’ often crop up in the vocabulary. But what therapists really do best is talking.   ‘Talking is the best medicine’ is a common phrase used to encourage loved ones and prevent them from bottling […]

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