Morale App

Compliment, Motivate and send Affirmations


We believe in positive social interaction.

Choose a compliment and send it to a friend anonymously to boost your mood.

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Morale App

Compliment, Motivate and send Affirmations

As featured in

How Morale App Works

1. Boost Morale

Make a space on your phone to see your affirmations or ‘Boosts’ sent by friends and remember how great you are.

2. Send Positivity

Send positive messages of love, support, affirmation and gratification. Complimenting your friends boosts your Oxytocin levels.

3. Anonymous Affirmation

Boosts are sent and received anonymously amongst friends allowing you to express yourself fully.

Morale boosts your wellbeing and motivation

Psychology shows that giving compliments and support benefits both the receiver and the giver.
Make it your goal to send 5 ‘boosts’ every day using Morale App.

Send motivation, compliments and affirmation to your friends

Sending support to friends is proven to boost your own Morale.

Keep a feed of affirmations in one place on the Morale App.

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Send motivation, compliments and affirmation to your friends

Let your friends know when you need a boost

It is important to speak up when you are not feeling ok.

Do not be afraid to put your hand up, you can even do it anonymously.

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Let your friends know when you need a boost

Let your friends know that they are being thought about

For when you are thinking about someone but don’t have anything to say.

We like to know that we are being thought about, and so why not let your friends know!

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Let your friends know that they are being thought about

See the positive impact you are making in the world

Measure your impact from using more and your reach spreading morale.

See your streaks and using your referral code, the wider impact of how many messages are received because of you.

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See the positive impact you are making in the world

Allow us to guide your thought and affirmations

Motivating you to motivate others.

Use our prompts to shape the boosts that you send to your friends.

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Allow us to guide your thought and affirmations

Morale App


Discover the ways in which Morale is helping our customers be mindful and spread positivity to the people they care about. Equally, see how each boost they receive is improving their wellbeing.

Build your own community

Morale is a social platform where you connect only with friends you know and trust.

Using your referral code to introduce friends to the app, we can measure your positive impact on other peoples’ lives.

Creating your closed friend network reduces trolling and eliminates harmful contact with strangers, user reporting allows the app to keep Morale an uplifting place.

Build your own community

Have any questions? 👋

Popular FAQs

Download Morale for iOS, Download Morale for Android

  • Open the app and tap “Sign Up” to create a new account
  • If you’ve received a referral code from a friend, pop it in here
  • If not, no worries – just tap “I was not invited by a friend” (you’ll receive your own referral ID to share with your network)
  • Input your phone number, and you’ll receive a verification text with a six-digit code
  • Verify on your phone number and begin adding your details to round out your account
  • Input your personal details including name and email address

It’s an anonymous message you send to someone in your network. It can be anything from a compliment to a funny anecdote or memory – anything that will give your friend a boost.

  • Tap the heart button (middle of your screen)
  • Choose who you want to boost today
  • Type in your message and choose your background
  • Click send! It’s as easy as that!