We all have the best intentions when our alarm goes off in the morning. However, sometimes not even the best laid plans are enough to get us going. Our morale articles will help inspire you to not only give yourself a boost but others who may need you too.

12 April 2024
Morale has launched to allow US based users to send anonymous compliments to their friends as SMS messages. +1 (844) 899-8822 sends kind messages from +1 (844) 899-8822 in the US. If anyone receives a message from +1 (844) 899-8822 they can rest assured that it is not a scam and that the […]

2 February 2023
Ever heard the saying “people leave people”? One of the major reasons why people are unhappy in their work or leave a company, is because of poor workplace relationships. We’re letting you into a secret, good working relationships are the magic key to unlocking a happy working environment. You’ll know if you’ve already got a […]
Read More… from How Do You Maintain Good Working Relationships with Your Colleagues?

28 December 2022
‘Morale’ is a term we hear thrown around in many different environments from 20th-century battlefields to the modern-day workplace. In either setting, however similar or different, the meaning of morale remains the same. Throughout history morale referred to ‘the capacity of a group’s members to maintain belief in an institution or goal, particularly in the […]

25 November 2022
When you’re spending every day working in close quarters with your colleagues, it’s easy to succumb to the constant hum of negativity in the background – but this is your sign to STOP! Having a positive mental attitude can prevent obstructive comments or gloomy mindsets from bringing you down, and help you achieve more at […]
Read More… from Can a Positive Mental Attitude Help You Achieve at Work?

14 November 2022
Let’s meet Aldwyn Boscawen, founder of Morale, and learn about what led him to create the app and why connections are so important when it comes to boosting our wellbeing. Tell us about life before Morale: After I finished university where I studied surveying at the Royal Agricultural College, I worked for a financial lending […]
Read More… from Meet the Founder of Morale – Aldwyn Boscawen

11 October 2022
You don’t need the latest gadget or wellness retreat to feel good. The ultimate mood-booster is completely free. […]
Read More… from The Power of Praise: Our In-built Emotional Currency

As covered by The Times, Aldwyn Boscawen founded the Morale app as an “antidote” to the negativity of conventional social media. Established in an attempt to improve mental health and wellbeing, it allows users to invite friends whose numbers they have, and send five messages a day. Read the full article here. […]

7 June 2022
Welcome to Morale, the social media messaging app that helps you support those closest to you. […]
Read More… from Morale: The Support Network App that Lives in Your Pocket