You cannot give 100% all of the time and that’s okay. However, needing motivation and struggling to summon it can be difficult. Our motivation articles provide tips and advice on how to set yourself up for success, whatever that looks like to you.

16 April 2024
Learning struggles are experienced by many students. 71% of the UK and 80% of the US university students say they tend to feel anxious about their classes and coursework. However, there is a way to help learners to go through the challenging studies and assignments. The research shows that encouragement from friends and family can […]
Read More… from Compliments have positive influence on students’ academic motivation

3 April 2023
There’s a reason why we call Monday’s ‘blue Monday’… If you dread waking up on a Monday morning after a fun weekend off spent with your friends and family, or catching up on your favourite tv series, then you’re definitely not the only one. Monday is unanimously the least favourite day of the week, and […]

10 March 2023
We’ve all been conditioned throughout our lives to dream big, that anything is possible if you try hard enough. We all have goals, whether they’re work-related, lifestyle-related, school-related, we all have them. So why is it that an alarmingly low number of people actually succeed at obtaining their goals? Studies show that only 8% of […]
Read More… from Weekly Goal Setting Tips to Help You Achieve Your Dreams

17 February 2023
You certainly wouldn’t be the first person to confess that they don’t want to go to work. Everyday countless people across the globe wake up and are just not feeling it. You aren’t alone in wishing you could just stay in bed or do quite literally anything else. But sadly, going to work, even when […]
Read More… from How to Get in Gear When You Don’t Want to go to Work

12 January 2023
We all have days when we just can’t be bothered. Some days even waking up feels like a little too much effort, we aren’t machines and it’s something that happens to all of us. Unless you’re one of the very few who can lie in bed all day and forget the world exists with no […]
Read More… from 10 Ways to Motivate Yourself When You’re Not Feeling It

19 December 2022
“One of the best ways to kickstart your morning is to boost someone else’s.” For those of us racing to get to our 9-5, fitting in an hour workout, a green juice and 20 minutes of meditation isn’t always feasible. But, we can all do with a morning boost. Sharing five hacks to set your […]
Read More… from 60 Minute Supercharge: Five Hacks To Boost Your Morning

11 October 2022
At Morale, we combine the power of positive thinking with your own support networks, helping you to boost your mental health, as well as those you’re close to. […]
Read More… from The importance of positive thinking & community to support mental health