Mindfulness is a practice that teaches you to focus on what you’re feeling and sensing in the moment. This is typically achieved through meditation. Our mindfulness blogs can help you develop the skills and get to grips with meditation.

1 May 2024
In today’s fast-paced world, prioritising self-care is essential for maintaining overall well-being. Whether you’re seeking balance, relaxation, or rejuvenation, these five simple yet effective tips will help nurture your mind, body, and soul. Dive into this listicle to discover practical strategies to enhance your wellness journey and cultivate a happier, healthier lifestyle. Mindful Morning Routine […]
Read More… from Top 5 self-care tips to nurture your well-being

6 June 2023
Looking for ways to help your friends destress and find inner peace? Suggest them these five simple activities to help them declutter their brains. In today’s fast-paced world, finding moments of calm and serenity can be challenging. However, the profound effects of relaxation can serve as an invaluable antidote, countering the damaging impact of stress […]
Read More… from Share the Calm: Do These 5 Brain-Clearing Activities with your Friends

13 April 2023
Not all relationships are endgame. People grow up, they change, they want different things, and as painful as it might be at the time, breakups are a part of human life. Whenever something ends it’s always associated with some negative emotions, like sadness or disappointment, even if there are brighter things on the horizon. A […]

31 March 2023
Mindfulness is something we talk about a lot here at Morale, and with good reason! The way we think and what we’re thinking about has the potential to affect how we feel and behave, and this can influence the state of our mental health. Wasting your precious energy worrying about something that has been and […]
Read More… from Ways to Introduce Mindfulness Colouring into Your Routine

24 March 2023
When anxiety starts to creep up on your, it can feel like it spirals downhill very quickly, and thinking clearly becomes an almost impossible task. Many people struggling with anxiety, feel totally alone and isolated, and live in constant worrying of an anxiety attack getting in the way of living their life to the fullest. […]

8 March 2023
Therapists often have a whole litany of fancy and confusing words for how they treat their patients. ‘Blended’, ‘integrative’, or ‘eclectic’ often crop up in the vocabulary. But what therapists really do best is talking. ‘Talking is the best medicine’ is a common phrase used to encourage loved ones and prevent them from bottling […]
Read More… from Understanding Types of Talking Therapy and How It Could Help

15 December 2022
Many of us grow up believing that feeling vulnerable, scared or sad makes us weak. Ironically, the reality is exactly the opposite. Vulnerability means showing others who we really are. This takes courage because – in a way – it hands control to the other person, giving them the chance to potentially judge or hurt […]
Read More… from Brave or Afraid: The Courage to Show Vulnerability

12 December 2022
To put it simply, motivation is at the core of everything we do. It’s the driving force that takes us from the beginning to the end of a project. Whether that’s reading a book, completing a project for work, or learning an instrument, motivation is what gets us from A to B. In fact, Sanam […]